Monday, July 11, 2011

Meeting Mitt Romney

I've been a fan of Mitt Romney's for a while now. And not just because he and I share the same religious beliefs, but because he's an extremely successful person and that success has helped bring those beliefs to the mainstream. I don't agree with him on every political issue, but I really admire all the things he's accomplished in his life: mission to France, family life, Stanford/Harvard, Bain Capital, bishop, stake president, Salt Lake Olympics, Governor, 2 time Presidential candidate (possible winner?)...

The biggest difference in opinion? He went to BYU. Nobody's perfect...

Obviously he has had an extremely successful and rewarding life and I aspire to the same.

Anyway, I finally got the chance to meet him! He came to Utah for some fundraising and we heard he was going to be making a stop at Hires Big H just a few blocks from our apartment. I brought a copy of his book No Apologies for him to sign. When he asked who to make it out to, he recognized my last name. "Oh I know the Haglunds really well!" He was in my uncle's ward in Belmont and my cousin was apparently good friends with Mitt's son. We talked for a few minutes as if we were old friends...although I'm sure all Presidential candidates do that with everyone they meet. It was still really cool for me.

And to make matters even better I got my 15 seconds of fame: I got my face in the New York Times!

my wife and I on the front row to the right of Romney

me getting my book signed. This one was in the SL Tribune

Brittany snapped this one on my cell phone

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