Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Palin makes me puke

In Obama's State of the Union address this year, he argued that this is another "Sputnik Moment." Meaning, of course, that this recent crisis could be a wake up call for the nation, causing us as a people to focus more on innovation and reinforcing our place at the top. How could you disagree with that? That ideology is as bipartisan as they come. If you don't want America to innovate, spur job growth, increase our political and economic power... you can move to China.

This is where Sarah Palin comes in. Her rebuttal was either an entirely misguided attempt to attack Obama or 100% moronic.

"That was another one of those WTF moments...this Sputnik Moment that he would aspire Americans to celebrate. He needs to remember that what happened back then with the former Communist USSR and their victory in that race to space...yeah, they won, but they also incurred so much debt at the time that it resulted in the inevitable collapse of the Soviet Union."
HOW CAN ANYONE THINK SHE WOULD MAKE A GOOD PRESIDENT!? SHE'S AN IDIOT! She knows nothing about world history, current events, or anything remotely relevant to the President's job description. Please, Sarah Palin, for the love of all that is holy... stick to your moose hunting reality TV show.

Watch this video: http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/mon-january-31-2011/from-russia-with-gov

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