Friday, July 22, 2011

...and I'm a Mormon

That’s the tagline of a recent ad campaign from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, one that ABC News called “very savvy branding.” So... my name is JJ. I’m a die hard Utah Utes Football fan, I spend my days working in marketing, my days off skiing (in the winter) and boating (in the summer)…and I’m a Mormon. So needless to say, I’ve found the recent flood of interest in my religion quite compelling. Most of that interest has come because of the Book of Mormon broadway musical - you know, the one written by the creators of South Park - and the fact that there are two mormons running for President of the United States. Oh and let's not forget Jimmer Mania (I only hesitate to list that in there because he went to BYU, my school's archrival).

Still, I’ve noticed that everyone from Newsweek and CNN to local newspapers is doing stories about mormons. I guess we are kind of a peculiar bunch. People often misunderstand our beliefs or at the very least can’t quite grasp why we wouldn’t want to drink or have sex before marriage. But at the same time people are starting to wonder why we are generally so happy and seemingly so successful. Well those news articles all say it much better than I ever could, so below are links to some of those articles. 

Some may argue that Newsweek's cover not only mocks the religion but makes Mitt Romney look foolish. And more may argue that the Book of Mormon musical is crude, vulgar, and pokes fun at Mormon beliefs and lifestyle. But the fact is, the Mormon church and lifestyle are getting mostly positive press. Just read this article and watch the videos from ABC. Even the writers and actors of the Broadway musical will tell you they have a profound respect for the Mormon church. And now because of all the interest generated from the musical, the church has launched a massive ad campaign in New York and its call centers in the area are inundated with requests for the Book of Mormon. So I think it's great!

Here are some other articles that I found extremely interesting to read:

From Newsweek: 

"Mormons Rock!
They've conquered Broadway, talk radio, the U.S. Senate-and they may win the White House. Why Mitt Romney and 6 million Mormons have the secret to success."

From BusinessWeek:

"God's MBAs: Why Mormon Missions Produce Leaders
Many of the men who trained to be Mormon missionaries have gone on to become among the most distinguished persons in American business and civic life"
From Business Insider:

"The REAL REASON So Many Mormons Become Executives And Political Leaders
Every 19-year-old in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) goes through what one might call executive training camp."

And if you want to learn about the truth behind what Mormons believe but don't want to ask them yourself, watch this video from CNN. 

Thanks for reading!

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