First of all, this is not a rant about creepy TSA pat-downs. That's olds news.
But my issue for the day does have to do with air travel. I love to travel and I fly a lot. I never thought that this would be become a political issue, but it has. Air travel has become such a huge hassle lately. Checked baggage fees. Annoying security procedures. Long line. Terrible service. No more free meals. No more free headphones. Hey airlines, we get it, fuel is expensive! I have been so annoyed with Delta Airlines lately, that I am considering "voting with my wallet", so to speak, and trying out other airlines.
I just read an article in Time magazine about how passengers have been getting savvier lately by packing lighter and only taking carry-ons. But this has been causing delays in security, which in turn means an increased demand for TSA security agents because there are more bags to check. They are federal employees, so this comes out of the tax-payer's wallet. Let me just say a very sarcastic awesome! $260 million per year, in fact. Homeland Security already charges a $5 fee each way when you fly, now they want to increase that fee even more to bring in up to $600 million to Homeland Security. Why are the passengers suffering while the big airlines not only reap the financial benefits but do not have to even pay for the problem that THEY caused?
What really irks me about this and the article in Time, is that they act as if the passengers are to blame. The headline? "Cheap fliers cost taxpayers millions." Then the headliner: "Not checking that bag? It's going to cost everyone." Really??? Come on, now. We have no one to blame but blame itself...and the AIRLINES. Any solution that the government comes up with needs to hold the airlines responsible and accountable, not the consumer. What a joke!
So thank you, Delta Airlines and other airlines who are not only causing me a huge annoyance when I travel, now you are costing all of us even more money! But it's ok, you are profitable again.